Monday, 17 October 2016

Ongoing gratitude

Here is the Thought for the Week that I prepared for Sunday 9 October at St Martin-in-the-Fields:

This year the Business Harvest Festival at St Stephen Walbrook follows the wonderful Harvest Service of which we were part at St Martin’s last Sunday. I’m therefore still in Harvest mode and reflecting on the opportunities for giving thanks which Harvest provides.

Gratitude, as our last Stewardship campaign reminded us, is something for which we need to pray. George Herbert wrote:

‘Thou that hast given so much to me,
Give one thing more, a grateful heart.’

While the idea of counting our blessing is a cliché, there is nevertheless a value to the exercise, as thankfulness and gratitude isn’t always our default position as we journey through life. This is despite the fact that there is often much for which we can be grateful when we do stop to reflect.

The Gospel reading used for Harvest at St Stephen Walbrook (John 6. 25 - 35) reminds us that Jesus is the bread of life. By being the one who meets our basic needs for love and acceptance, Jesus gives a reason for constant gratitude and thankfulness whatever our circumstances. In Jesus, God has given us a harvest of love which can be our ongoing experience.

Here at St Martin’s our Harvest Festival is now in the past but the gratitude and thankfulness that it engenders can continue to be a part of our ongoing experience.


Michael Kiwanuka - Father's Child.

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