Friday, 3 June 2016

Review: The Perceptualist Eye & Well House Gallery

My latest review for Church Times is of The Perceptualist Eye by Tim Harrold at the Well House Gallery:

"Tim Harrold has an eye for the lost. Like Joseph Cornell, who loved to roam Manhattan’s dime stores in search of antique books, postcards, and small objects, amassing a vast collection of treasured finds that became the raw materials for his assemblages, Harrold also works with “found” objects, collecting disparate and discarded objects before combining them in boxes and frames to create 3D tableaux.

His perception is that the finding and restoring of lost objects by giving new life and fresh context is symbolic of a lost sheep being found by the Good Shepherd."

I also note that:

"The vision of Well House as a gallery that champions artists, and connects creative people in the area, developed from four years of running exhibitions linked to 24/7 prayer communities, and demonstrates what can be achieved when artists and entrepreneurs who are Christians engage constructively with creatives in their communities and regions."


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