Saturday, 2 April 2016

St Marylebone Parish Church: Contemporary British Painting

Robert Priseman, Exhibition Curator at St Marylebone Parish Church writes:

"We are launching a new platform for exciting new painting in the UK under the title Contemporary British Painting. Each month we will be showcasing the work of a painter who we both admire and are intrigued by through a series of intimate exhibitions at the crypt in St. Marylebone Parish Church, London. We will explore and document key concerns and themes from the perspective of practicing painters, where successive artist to artist interviews will generate text which will be published first on-line and then as a book of the same name.

In drawing together this group of artists we are discovering a new cohort of painters who believe in and live by painting and for whom their practice is less a matter of choice and more a matter of necessity. In recent years painting has seemed, if not entirely off the institutional radar then at least subsumed into a definition of art practice where it is only one choice among many. Yet there seems to be emerging from these artists a new painting that has a particular 21st century resonance; a painting pursued as a singular activity experienced uniquely by each artist yet within the context of their own social networks and interactions.

And it is this unique 21st century practice which is now being explored in this new series of exhibitions; a series of shows which simultaneously demonstrate a marked diversity of approach amongst artists who are united by their commitment to the simple act of painting, where paint becomes a metaphor for experience, a philosophical meditation on the nature of our very being in the world. Here, everything, every thought, every action and every observation is mediated through paint, reflecting more broadly the movement of art away from a defining progress by ‘isms’ and towards a concentration on media where the only new ‘ism’ is an assertion of individualism. It is within this context that we begin to find a tendency in painting towards the modest, the humane and the philosophical, where painting itself is an expression of the individual experience within a complex world.

The artists, developing critical texts, new series of ‘Painter to Painter’ interviews and programme can be seen at"

Contemporary British Painting are also showing 'Notes from China', a series of delicate works on paper by 17 living artists from China, at The Minories, Colchester until Saturday 16 April 2016 at then, from 3 – 31 October 2016, at The Crypt, St Marylebone, London.

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