Friday, 15 April 2016

‘I am the Vine and You are the Branch Managers': Organising the Kingdom or Stifling the Spirit?

Those concerned about managerialism in the Church of England may wish to make their way to St Martin-in-the-Fields this Sunday at 5.00pm to hear The Revd Dr Sam Wells, Vicar of St Martins, address the issue of whether management is a helpful tool that can help Christians and the church flourish and fulfil their potential, or whether it is an insidious ideology that impoverishes true relationship and diminishes the life of faith?

Sam will preach on this topic in our 'Issues of our Time' series and as part of Lighten Our Darkness, our service of contemporary Choral Evening Prayer. The title of his sermon is ‘I am the Vine and You are the Branch Managers': Organising the Kingdom or Stifling the Spirit?


Eternal Father, strong to save.

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