Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Mini-Pilgrimage: Bishop of London & Cardinal Nichols

Stations of the Cross 2016 organisers Terry Duffy and Aaron Rosen 
with Cardinal Vincent Nichols outside St Stephen Walbrook

The Bishop of London and Cardinal Vincent Nichols undertook a mini-pilgrimage together today based on the Stations of the Cross 2016 exhibition, going from Salvation Army International Head Quarters to St Stephen Walbrook to St Giles Cripplegate.

At St Stephen Walbrook the Cardinal and Bishop viewed 'Lamentation for the Forsaken' by Michael Takeo Magruder speaking with the artist and praying the following prayer: 

Lord Jesus, enwrapped in death, upon the cloth that bound you was impressed your face, the face of the Son of the living God. Grant us the courage to seek your kingdom amidst the forsaken. Give us the grace to behold your suffering face upon those killed in conflict. May they rise to everlasting life with you who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

Cardinal Nichols spoke about seeing with the eyes of faith while Bishop Richard highlighted the importance of slowing down to reflect, something which this installation is achieving for busy City workers.

'Lamentation for the Forsaken' can be seen until Good Friday at St Stephen Walbrook (weekdays, 10am – 4pm, except on Wednesdays, 11.00am - 3.00pm), as part of ‘Stations of the Cross 2016’ an exhibition across 14 iconic locations in London during Lent. In his installation, Takeo offers a lamentation not only for the forsaken Christ, but others who have felt his acute pain of abandonment. 

Click here to view Arriving at Station XIII, a short series of videos exploring the development of this newly commissioned artwork for the Stations of the Cross project. The videos follow Takeo's progress as he conceives, develops and finally presents his installation at St. Stephen.


Paradise - One Mind, Two Hearts.

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