Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Holy Week: St Martin-in-the-Fields & St Stephen Walbrook

At St Stephen Walbrook, Holy Week begins with a shared service with St Martin-in-the-Fields - Monday 21st March, 1.10pm. This will be a Discover & explore service with the Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields, the Choir of St Stephen Walbrook and our organist Joe Sentance. The choirs will sing the anthem which has given the themes for this Discover & explore service series; Eric Whitacre's 'Hope, Faith, Life, Love'. The theme of this service will be 'Soul' and the preacher will be Dr Carolyn Rosen. Following the service, the artist Michael Takeo Magruder will discuss his digital art installation . 

'Lamentation for the Forsaken, 2016' can be seen until Good Friday at St Stephen Walbrook (weekdays, 10am – 4pm, except on Wednesdays, 11.00am - 3.00pm), as part of ‘Stations of the Cross 2016’ an exhibition across 14 iconic locations in London during Lent. In his installation, Takeo offers a lamentation not only for the forsaken Christ, but others who have felt his acute pain of abandonment.

On Tuesday 22nd our Start:Stop reflections (10 minutes of quiet reflection on a drop-in basis) between 7.30am and 9.30am will be on the theme of Holy Week. Our Tuesday chamber music recital at 1.00pm (organised by the Walbrook Music Trust) will be given by Maria Zachariodou (piano and cello).

Our Maundy Thursday Eucharist is at 12.45pm where the Choir of St Stephen Walbrook will sing Byrd's Mass for four voices and Victoria's Vere languores. Our Easter Eve Vigil Service, which includes renewal of baptismal vows, the lighting of the Paschal Candle and the first Mass of Easter, will be on Saturday 26th March at 6.00pm when the Mass setting used by the Choir of St Stephen Walbrook will be Mozart's Mass in Bb. 


W. A. Mozart - Missa brevis in B flat major.

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