Monday, 8 February 2016

Discover & explore: Faith

Sally Muggeridge led the second in the current series of Discover & explore services at St Stephen Walbrook today. The theme of this service was 'Faith'.

The Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields sang Bruckner's Pange LinguaGibbons/Loosemore's O Lord, increase our faithByrd's Tribue Domine and Leighton's Gloria from Missa Brevis.

The service included the poem God's Flight by Heather Flood:

On the ground sits a bird
that's too afraid to fly.
Beautiful wings could make it soar,
but the pain of past failure makes it cry.
God said unto this frightened bird,
"Trust and have faith in me,
for I will carry you in your flight.
The miracle of life is there for you to see."

The bird said to God, "But I can't fly.
I am weak. I will fall and feel real pain
It's happened before when I tried to fly.
I'm afraid of being hurt again."
His voice soft and reassuring, God said to the bird,
I created you, and I will protect you.
Your lonesome cry I have heard.
Have faith in me. That's all you need to do.

So, stand up, bird, and spread your wings.
Wings I lovingly created to let you fly.
If you fall I'll pick you up,
and lift you back into the sky."
With trembling legs and unsure wings
the bird finally looked up to the sky.
It took a deep breath, and in a leap of faith.
The bird began to fly.

"Thank you, God, for believing in me.
Thank you for giving me wings.
Thank you for your protecting hands.
Your glory I’ll now sing."
The little bird, once so scared,
soared to a great new height.
The fear of fall no longer scared the bird,
finding its faith in Gods safe flight.

The next Discover & explore service is at 1.10pm on Monday 15th February and will explore the theme of Life using paintings from Alan Everett's 'Foundations of the City' exhibition.


Orlando Gibbons - O Lord, increase my Faith.

1 comment:

  1. I am flattered that my poem was used in your service, but the text of the poem used is not as I wrote it. Here is the correct text of the poem . . .

    On the ground sits a bird
    That's too afraid to fly.
    Beautiful wings could make it soar,
    But the pain of past failure is its lonesome cry.

    God has said unto this bird,
    "Trust and have faith in me,
    for I will carry you in your flight.
    The miracle of life is waiting for you to see."

    The bird said to God, "But I can't fly.
    I am weak. I will fall and feel pain.
    It's happened before when I tried to fly.
    I'm afraid of being hurt again."

    His voice soft and reassuring, God said to the bird,
    "I created you, and I will protect you.
    Your lonesome cry I have heard.
    Have faith in me. That's all you need to do.

    So, stand up, bird, and spread your wings.
    The wings I lovingly created to let you fly.
    If you fall I'll pick you up,
    And lift you back into the sky."

    With trembling legs and unsure wings,
    The bird finally looked to the sky.
    It took a deep breath and took the chance.
    The bird began to fly.

    "Thank you, God, for believing in me.
    Thank you for giving me wings.
    Thank you for your protecting hands.
    Your glory I will now sing."

    God smiled unto the bird
    In its majestic flight.
    "Little bird, I'll always be with you,
    And will protect you with all my might.

    You may stumble. You may fall.
    That doesn't mean that I don't care.
    I will watch over you in case you need help,
    And then I'll be right there."

    The little bird, once so scared,
    Learned to soar to new heights.
    The occasional fall no longer scared the bird,
    Choosing to have faith in God's flight.

    Have a great day.
    -Heather Flood
