Monday, 15 February 2016

Arriving at Station XIII: 4. Installation

Arriving at Station XIII is a short series of videos by Emma Puente exploring the development of a newly commissioned artwork for the Stations of the Cross project, running from February 10 to March 28 in 14 locations around London, from museums to cathedrals.

The videos follow the progress of the artist Michael Takeo Magruder as he conceives, develops and finally presents his installation at St. Stephen Walbrook. In this fourth video, Installation, I discuss the Stations project and Michael's work - Lamentation for the Forsaken - as it is being installed. Click here to see the latest video.

For more information about the exhibition, including podcasts and associated events, visit:

Tonight at 6.00pm, the installation can be viewed in the context of 'Grief and Hope: reflecting on the refugee crisis’ an awareness raising event held at St Stephen Walbrook. Takeo will speak about the motivations behind his installation and Dionne Gravesande, Head of Church Advocacy at Christian Aid, will speak about the refugee crisis and the work which Christian Aid is doing with partners in the ACT Alliance and other agencies to support practical and political action to help those fleeing, and address the longer term issues. There will also be contributions from David Glasser (Chairman, Ben Uri Gallery - Museum of Art, Identity & Migration) and Revd Richard Carter (Associate Vicar, St Martin-in-the-Fields). All are most welcome.


Jeff Buckley - Last Goodbye.

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