Sunday, 6 December 2015

Update: Sophia Hub Redbridge

Ros Southern writes:

'Hi there, a bit late this week but here's the news of interest for start-ups, businesses, local economy and Redbridge community life in the coming week or two :)

Tomorrow (Monday 7th) is the Timebank skills swap 12-3 in Seven Kings. A great opportunity to learn skills and gain experience - see the final offers and info here.

On Tuesday (8th) our weekly entrepreneur's club is a 12.45 start with Nicola of FP Comms on planning your marketing calendar for 2016. Info here

The Chamber Christmas dinner is Tues 15th December - you are welcome. Last chance to book is Tuesday 8th at midnight Info here

The first Redbridge breakfast 'white paper' will be an inspiring discussion on understanding and utilising the alternative economy in Redbridge. Weds 16 December. Info here

Saturday was national small business day. Enterprise For London wrote a blog about supporting Redbridge High Streets (they offer great support for small businesses) and you can read mine about markets, Creeds, Vic Norman and more.

The business networking for dummies event this week was great. Info and video here

We had a well attended and useful first green business meeting of Redbridge upcyclers and here's a guest blog from fashion upcycler Annemarie.

Finally, here's an update from Ola at Redbridge CVS on funding available to social enterprises.

Hope to see many of you on Tuesday.

Best wishes,

Ros Southern
Coordinator, Sophia Hubs Redbridge
E: M 07707 460309 / 0208 590 2568 (answer phone)
T: @sophiahubs7k F: Sophia Hubs Seven Kings (please follow us and Like us!)'


Peter Case - HWY 62.

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