Saturday, 26 December 2015

Stations of the Cross: Art & Passion

Stations of the Cross: Art and Passion is an exhibition across London in 14 iconic destinations: A pilgrimage for art lovers. Experience the Passion: Lent 2016: 10 February (Ash Wednesday) - 28 March (Easter Monday).

On the day he died, Jesus walked the Via Dolorosa through the streets of Jerusalem, a holy city for Jews, which would later become sacred to Christians and Muslims. Jesus' journey is traditionally commemorated by the Stations of the Cross. Across the chasm of two thousand years, this tortured path resonates with current events for people of many faiths and cultures. In particular, it calls to mind the hazardous journeys of refugees from today's Middle East.

This unique exhibition — held in 14 stations across London — uses works of art to tell the story of the Passion in a new way, for people of different faiths. In this pilgrimage for art lovers, viewers will travel across London, mapping the geography of the Holy Land onto the streets of a ‘new Jerusalem.’

The Stations will weave through religious as well as secular spaces, from cathedrals to museums. The art on display will run the gamut from Old Master paintings to contemporary video installations. Artists will include Christians, Jews, Muslims, and atheists. Instead of easy answers, the Stations aim to provoke the passions: artistically, spiritually, and politically.

1. Jesus is condemned to death by the mob and Pontius Pilate washes his hands.
King’s College London Chapel
Terry Duffy, Victim No Resurrection

2. Jesus takes up his cross and begins his journey.
Parliament Square
Philip Jackson, Mahatma Gandhi, 2015

3. Jesus falls the first time.
Methodist Central Hall
James Balmforth, Intersection Point, 2015

4. Jesus meets his mother.
Westminster Cathedral (Catholic)
Eric Gill, Stations of the Cross (Station IV), 1915

5. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross.
Wallace Collection
Twenty-four Plaques after Albrecht Dürer's Small Passion Woodcut Series, Limoges, France, c. 1570- c.1625

6. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.
Cavendish Square
Jacob Epstein, Madonna and Child, 1950-52
With nightime image projection planned by Hannah Habibi

7. Jesus falls for the second time.
National Gallery
Jacopo Bassano, The Way to Calvary, c. 1544-5

8. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem.
Notre Dame Refugee Centre/Notre Dame de France Church
Jean Cocteau, Our Lady’s Chapel, 1959

9. Jesus falls the third time.
The Barbican & St Giles Terrace
G. Roland Biermann

10. Jesus is stripped of his garments.
Salvation Army International Headquarters
Guler Ates will create a piece using children’s clothes collected from the Salvation Army in London, which she will mould into a sculptural form which connects the theme of Jesus’ torment with the experiences of refugees.

11. Crucifixion: Jesus is nailed to the cross.
St Paul’s Cathedral
Bill Viola and Kira Perov, Martyrs, 2014
12. Jesus dies on the cross.
Tower of London
Guy Reid, Crucifixion. Life-size (183 cm x 180 cm), lime wood

13. Jesus is taken down from the cross (Deposition or Lamentation).
St. Stephen, Walbrook
Michael Takeo Magruder will create a multi-media sculpture in the form of a tomb with walls displaying videos related to tragic contemporary events.

14. Jesus is laid in the tomb.
Temple Church
Leni Diner Dothan, Crude Ashes: Three Faces for Death, Burial, and Resurrection

The Passion in Art: From Old Masters to Contemporary Installations
Feb 8: Monday, 1–1.45pm
National Gallery (Sainsbury Wing Theatre)
Dr. Aaron Rosen, author of Art and Religion in the 21st Century (Thames & Hudson, 2015)

Contemporary Artists Take on the Passion
Feb 16: Tuesday, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Wallace Collection
Artists Leni Dothan & Michael Magruder in conversation with Dr. Aaron Rosen
Price: £7.00

In Conversation: Stations of the Cross
March 16: 1pm
National Gallery, Room 9
Artist Terry Duffy and National Gallery Curator Dr. Matthias Wivel

Does Religion Belong in Museums?
March 22: Tuesday, 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Wallace Collection
Panel discussion with:
Dr Christoph Vogtherr, Director of the Wallace Collection
Rev Prof David Jasper, University of Glasgow
Mr Jonathan Ruffer, Chariman, Auckland Castle Trust
Dr Aaron Rosen, King’s College London
Price: £7.00


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