Sunday, 8 November 2015

William Blake & Victor Vertunni

I'm using William Blake's two Holy Thursday poems in tomorrow's 'Discover & explore' service at St Stephen Walbrook which will be exploring the theme of charity. In the course of preparing my reflection I have come across Victor Vertunni's William Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience.

Wildy Haskell writes: 'Blake was renowned in his time for both the musical flow of his poetry, but also for the melodies he would craft for them, almost by accident. Without any formal music training, Blake was cited by music professors of his and later times for his musical ability. While none of that music has filtered down through the years, Victor Vertunni has provided fitting musical backdrops for Blake's creations. The album, William Blake's Songs Of Innocence And Of Experience, is an often seamless marriage between Blake's fluid poetry and Vertunni's arrangements.'

Those coming to tomorrow's 'Discover & explore' service will also be able to see the 'Philanthropy - The City Story' exhibition plus a exhibition by the Society of Catholic Artists entitled 'Care of Creation'.


Victor Vertunni - Holy Thursday.

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