Friday, 13 November 2015

Niki Gorick: Religion in the City

Niki Gorick is a UK fine art photographer specialising in black & white images of London. She aims to capture the true character of the city, from its famous landmarks to its vibrant street-life. Her current photo-project is entitled 'Religion in the City' and, as part of this project, she photographed the Thanksgiving Service held at St Stephen Walbrook on Wednesday evening for the Lord Mayor of London.

Niki writes:

'What’s going on with religion in The City of London? Intrigued by the extraordinary concentration of Wren churches and other places of worship in The Square Mile, I decided to find out. How do these historical beauties survive today? Are they still a spiritual force? How do they work as non-parish churches without resident congregations? And how do they relate to the financially-obsessed community surrounding them? What exactly is the contemporary clergy up to?

Quite a lot, as it turns out. Already, in my new ‘Religion in The City’ photo-project, I’ve come across a diversity I never expected — pop-up art exhibitions, huge wet fish displays for Harvest Festival, a Chinese choir rehearsing, high-calibre debate about policing in Britain today, jazz bands leading congregations into hidden gardens to eat jerk chicken…

Over the next year or so, my aim is to capture as much as possible of the spiritual life of The City and the day-to-day work of its clergy – so far, all I can say is that modern-day ministering appears to be both thriving and full of surprises.'


John Stainer - God So Loved The World.

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