Saturday, 1 August 2015

Paul-Gordon Chandler and The Bridge

Paul-Gordon Chandler will be preaching at St Martin-in-the-Fields tomorrow during the 10.00am Parish Eucharist as The Bridge exhibition comes to a close. 

Paul is an author, interfaith advocate, social entrepreneur and U.S. Episcopal priest who has worked extensively in the Middle East. He is Founder and President of CARAVAN, the international peace-building arts non-profit (NGO) that builds bridges through the arts between the Middle East and West, and has brought The Bridge exhibition to life. Paul has much to share about its inspiration and journey.

The Bridge is a groundbreaking interfaith gathering of premier and emerging artists, focusing on what they hold in common through their Arab, Persian and Jewish cultures, and their Christian, Muslim and Jewish creeds.

Have you come to view the exhibition while it has been at St Martin's? If so, we would love to know what you thought. We have created a short survey which poses questions we hope will help you think about it a little deeper. Take part in the survey here.


Malek Jandali - Caravan.

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