Saturday, 1 August 2015

ArtWay meditation: Ana Maria Pacheco, Maciej Hoffman and Marlene Dumas

In my latest visual meditation for ArtWay I reflect on images of partners carrying each other by Ana Maria Pacheco, Maciej Hoffman and Marlene Dumas.

"The image of partners carrying each other is one that several modern visual artists have also used in exploring the nature of relationships and, just as in the U2 song 'One', images which initially seem positive turn out to be rather more ambiguous than on first sight. They include images of parents and children as well as husbands and wives."

My other ArtWay meditations include work by María Inés AguirreMarian Bohusz-Szyszko, Christopher Clack, Marlene Dumas, Antoni Gaudi, Maciej Hoffman, Maurice Novarina, John Piper, and Henry Shelton.


U2 - One.

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