Friday, 12 June 2015

A Common Voice on Migration

London Churches Social Action hosted an extended day seminar on the topic of Migration at St Margaret's Barking on Monday. It was a timely opportunity for London Churches to develop some key "Common Voice" messages on this topic.

We considered how the church and UK society is being blessed/challenged by migration, who is weeping about, with and for migrants today, and what, from the treasures of our faith, we can draw on towards responding to issues related to migration. Many of the presentations can be heard by clicking here.

Contributors included Susanna Snyder, author of Asylum-Seeking, Migration and Church which addresses one of the most pressing issues confronting contemporary society, How are we to engage with migrants? Drawing on studies of church engagement with asylum seekers in the UK and critical immigration and refugee issues in North America, Snyder presents an extended theological reflection on both the issue of asylum-seeking and the fears of established populations surrounding immigration. This book outlines ways in which churches are currently supporting asylum seekers, encouraging closer engagement with people seen as 'other' and more thoughtful responses to newcomers.

Artist Revd Elizabeth Gray-King, sought to capture the day’s conversations in art form and shared her reflections with us. See Elizabeth's image from the day and read her reflections by clicking here: "We were reminded of the Tabernacle, the tent of God’s presence, erected wherever the people stopped to rest and worship; the two tents at the bottom of the cross show this stopping on journey, with the cross being the sign of the travelling God in Jesus. The cross also marks the reason why the good people of this seminar gathered for this discussion, Jesus having called us all to not only note our neighbours, but also to accompany and share life with our neighbours, no matter how their prior journey is coloured."


Kerry Livgren - Seeds Of Change.

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