Saturday, 25 April 2015

Update: Sophia Hub Seven Kings

Ros Southern writes:

'Hi there - news of interest to start-ups and others see below!

The City Business Library is coming to the enterprise club on Tuesday 28 April. An invaluable free resource for start-ups. Info here.

The Timebank skills swap was fabulous - see some videos, photos and comments here.

The Redbridge Chambers breakfast meeting is Tuesday morning at 7.30. You are welcome to attend - I'm going. Info here.

Advance notice of the Redbridge College business networking evening 20 May. Put it in your diary. Info here.

There are some office desks needing a home from the Treasurer of the Chambers. Oooh, could be lucky! Info here.

The enterprise club last week was deep and meaningful and we are thinking of organising a Redbridge wide meeting on sacred economics. Click here for more info.

The Work Redbridge self employment fair last week was very good and it was nice to meet and get more contacts. Hope to see some of you Tuesday.

Lastly, here's an interesting article on the rapid rise of the sharing economy - faster than Google, Facebook and Yahoo combined! Here's the link.

Best wishes,

Ros Southern, Coordinator, Sophia Hubs Seven Kings
M: 07707 460309 T: 0208 590 2568
T: @sophiahubs7k FB: Sophia Hubs Seven Kings blog:
c/o St Johns Church, St Johns Road, Seven Kings, IG2 7BB'


Woody Allen And His New Orleans Jazz Band - Hear Me Talkin' To Ya.

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