Thursday, 2 April 2015

Unity Spencer: Lucky to be an Artist

The Fine Art Society is staging the first West End survey of work by Unity Spencer. The exhibition marks the publication of Unity's candid autobiography Lucky to be an Artist.

The exhibition consists of fifty oils by Unity of all periods, together with etchings. The gallery will also show paintings by her father Stanley Spencer, her mother Hilda Carline, her uncles Gilbert Spencer and Richard Carline, and her grandfather George Carline. It will be an opportunity to appreciate Unity's work within the context of this unique family heritage.

Clare Armitstead writes that:

'Life has been an emotional rollercoaster for Unity, the second of two daughters born to Stanley and Hilda Spencer. This may explain why it is only at the age of 84 that she is having her first major exhibition. The show will briefly reunite this stormily accomplished artist with paintings that have been rolled up in cupboards for more than half a century. Everything is for sale, alongside “11 Stanleys” owned by the family, and a scattering of pictures by Hilda, a talented artist in her own right, who became subsumed into her husband’s celebrity.'


The La's - There She Goes.

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