Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Ana Maria Pacheo: Art shows how vulnerable we are

Ana Maria Pacheco is a painter, sculptor and printmaker who was born in Brazil in 1943 and has lived in England since 1973. Her work exhibits a compelling yet disturbing merging of Brazilian folklore, classical myth, mystical Catholicism and political satire. "Mythical and religious themes, usually given a dark edge, figure in much of her work" and she "deals with issues of control and the exercise of power, drawing upon the tensions between the old world of Europe and the new world of her Brazilian birth."

"The variety of Pacheco’s sculptural work is remarkable and with its tough humanist core, her project constantly provokes us to seriously question the true extent of our own humanity, and of our uses and abuses of power. Ana has said that her 'art shows how vulnerable we are'. Large and enduring themes; violence, journeys, death, love, transformation and metamorphosis reflect her high seriousness, but at the same time her work is neither pompous nor devoid of humour. With a cast of characters that are betrayed, tortured, ecstatic, seductive, grotesque, bestial or divine, her work can arouse extreme emotions, a process that some concluded art no longer has the power to elicit."

Four separate but simultaneous exhibitions, in four different Norwich locations, will bring major sculptural work from Pacheco to Norwich for the first time.

Ana Maria Pacheco Exhibitions | Norwich 2015
17 March to 6 September
Norwich Cathedral
Shadows of the Wanderer (Sculpture)

Cathedral of St John the Baptist
Study for Requiem, John the Baptist I (Sculpture)
Study of Head, John the Baptist III (Sculpture)*
*to Sunday 31st May

17 March to 31 August
Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery
Enchanted Garden (Reliefs)

17 March to 25 April
The Gallery at Norwich University of the Arts
The Banquet (Sculpture) and Prints

Event at Norwich Castle
Friday 27 March | 5.30 – 7.30pm
Norfolk Contemporary Art Society and
Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery present
Ana Maria Pacheco and Colin Wiggins in conversation
5.30 – 6.15pm – exhibition viewing
6.15 – 7.15pm – conversation in the Town Close Auditorium
Seating is limited so pre-booking is essential
To reserve tickets please email norfolkart@googlemail.com
NCAS members | £5.00 – Non-members | £7.00 (payment at door)


Victoria Williams, Emmylou Harris et al - In My Hour Of Darkness.

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