Monday, 10 November 2014

Dedication of RBL Memorial Boards

Following the closure of the building belonging to the Ilford Branch of the Royal British Legion, the branch had no home to display its Memorial Boards. These boards, which record the names of past Legion members, have recently been given a new home in the Chapel Room at St John's Seven Kings. Following yesterday's evening Service of Remembrance at St John's, we dedicated the Memorial Boards using the following prayer:

God of the living and the dead, help us to honour the life and hope and courage of those who have served in our armed forces and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Remembering past times, and our relationships with them, we honour the lives of those named on these boards as we tell and retell their stories. In the faith of Jesus Christ we dedicate these memorial boards, that they may be a sign of our duty to God, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Click here for a report of yesterday's Civic Service of Remembrance held at the Ilford War Memorial in Newbury Park.


Westminster Abbey - Oh God Our Help in Ages Past.

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