Thursday, 6 November 2014

Confirmation Service

Ian Benjamin and Sheila Permal were confirmed tonight at Christ Church Wanstead by The Rt. Revd. Dr. Trevor Mwamba, Assistant Bishop of Chelmsford, Rector of Barking and Vicar of St Margaret's. They were part of 31 candidates from seven churches who were confirmed. +Trevor spoke about possessing an attitude of gratitude and thankfulness.

Ian and Sheila were part of the Lyfe Course that we ran earlier in the autumn and they really took the sessions to heart identifying ways of putting what they were learning into practice in their everyday lives. I had the privilege of baptising Sheila at St John's Seven Kings last Sunday. Thankfulness was again part of the mix as I reflected on the way in which Jesus' baptism answers the questions 'Who am I?' and 'Why am I here?':

'Who are we? We are the beloved sons and daughters of our Father God. Why are we here? To use our God-given abilities to do work for God that only we can do. Take a moment to truly take it in and then say thank you to God your Father for who you are and why you are here.'


Anton Bruckner - Locus Iste.

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