Thursday, 25 September 2014

Patronal Festival

St John's Seven Kings will be celebrating its 110th Anniversary over its Patronal Festival weekend on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th October. Our celebrations will include Choral Evensong (Saturday 4th October, 6.00pm) followed by refreshments, Patronal Festival Service (Sunday 5th October, 10.00am) followed by a Bring & Share Lunch, plus photographic displays and the celebration of special anniversaries/birthdays for congregation members.

Many former members of St John's are returning for the weekend including:
  • Revs. John & Rosemary Enever, who will be preaching at the Patronal Festival Service. Rosemary is a former curate at St John's who became Vicar of St Andrews Great Ilford and Area Dean of Redbridge; and
  • Judy Acheson, our former Church Mission Society Link Worker in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Judy is celebrating 50 years of Christian ministry and, as a result of her ministry in the Congo, St John's continues to support youth work in that country.
Returning and current members will gives testimonies in our Patronal Festival Service to the work of God in their lives through St John's.

There are 15 different significant anniversaries/birthdays which are being celebrated within our congregation this year and all these people will be congratulated as part of the Patronal Festival Service. They include two 60th wedding anniversaries, one 50th wedding anniversary, and two 90th birthdays, among others.

Michael Blackstaff, a former server at St John's, has written a reminiscence in which he says, 'St John’s was, and is, a very special place. I was a bit short on blood relations (though very rich in adoptive ones) and came to regard it and its many good people as part of my family. I shall always feel greatly privileged to have been welcomed into its loving embrace.'

Judy Acheson says, 'I am longing to be with you all and share in God's blessing for us. I thank the Lord for so many blessings received. May the Lord bless you all as you plan this special weekend.'


Chichester Cathedral - Choral Evensong.

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