Sunday, 14 September 2014

Patronal Festival

The Patronal Festival weekend at St John's Seven Kings includes Choral Evensong (with our combined Cluster choirs) on Saturday 4th October from 6.00pm. Refreshments will be served after the service.

On Sunday 5th October we have invited all former members of St John's to join us for a celebration of all that God has done in and through this church over the years. Our preachers will be Revs. John and Rosemary Enever and several current and former members, including Judy Acheson, will give testimonies about the way in which God spoke to them while at St John's. Several of our members (past and present) are celebrating significant milestones or anniversaries in their lives this year and these will also be celebrated, as will the 110th anniversary of the church. The service will be followed by a Bring and Share Lunch.


Choir of King's College Cambridge - Evensong.

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