Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Sabbatical art pilgrimage: latest ArtWay report

ArtWay have just published the latest of my sabbatical art pilgrimage visit reports in their Church of the Month slot. This report concerns Aylesford Priory and the work of Adam Kossowski. The reports which ArtWay are publishing generally contain additional information or reflections from those which I am posting here and, as with the posts here, will gradually build up a partial history of the revival of sacred art in the twentieth century.

The report on Aylesford Priory follows reports on Chelmsford Cathedral and Lumen, as well as earlier reports of visits to sites associated with Marian Bohusz-Szyszko, Marc Chagall, Jean Cocteau, Antoni Gaudi and Henri Matisse.

One of the real pleasures of the European leg of my sabbatical art pilgrimage was the opportunity to meet Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker, who is editor-in-chief of ArtWay. We visited two churches together and talked art, music, popular culture and faith finding many synergies as we did so.


Sufjan Stevens - Impossible Soul.

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