Sunday, 25 May 2014

New websites for Sophia Hubs

Sophia Hubs Limited has a new website explaining its work. The site including a page on the Seven Kings Sophia Hub pilot and a blog which will become the main source of news about Sophia Hubs Limited and hubs in the network. 

In addition, the Timebank set up by the Seven Kings Sophia Hub pilot also has its own website where people can register to join the Timebank in order to make offers and requests for other Timebank members.  

The Timebank is an important form of support for the new social enterprises and start-ups we are incubating at Sophia Hubs.  It will build up community networks and demonstrate the extensive skills and resources that we have in this area.  Residents will expand their contacts through giving and receiving services and skills: each hour given is worth the same whatever is being offered.

Both websites were created for Sophia Hubs Limited by Divine Aesthetic.


Tom Petty - Learning To Fly.

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