Sunday, 11 May 2014

ArtWay meditation: Antoni Gaudi

My latest meditation for ArtWay is on the work of Antoni Gaudi. In the meditation, I say:

Gaudi "described nature as ‘the Great Book, always open, that we should force ourselves to read’ and thought that ‘everything structural or ornamental that an architect might imagine was already prefigured in natural form, in limestone grottoes or dry bones, in a beetle's shining wing case or the thrust of an ancient olive trunk’ ...  first and overall impressions of his work are ones of exuberance and abundance characterised by the sinuous, sensuous curves and colours of his works. Whether we are encountering the wavelike benches at Park Güell or the decorations on the roof of the Sagrada, Gaudí's work possesses an ecstatic sense of natural beauty."


Van Morrison - Be Thou My Vision.

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