Friday, 25 April 2014

Enterprise Club

Here is the latest on the Sophia Hub and its Enterprise Club. Ros Southern writes:

"Jeffery Nkrumah is our speaker on Tuesday 29th April from 2-3.15.  He has recently set up a Community Interest Company (CIC) called 'Inspired by Sports' working with young people in the area.  There is more information on the blog - please copy and paste this link:  It's worth the read!  It is best to arrive by 1.45 but please just come when you can.  Jeffery has to dash off to the Cricklefields stadium at 3.15 but we can continue to work on your business planning after he goes.

Last week we looked at a business canvas model that can work better for start-ups that the traditional business plan model. Thanks to Aidan Ward and all those that helped us work it out in a practical example.  It was great that Ash Ahmed was able to bring some young people from I Am Young and we hope to see you again this week.

Please put this date in your diaries - Sunday 25th May.  Sophia Hubs is going to run the first 'enterprise zone' at the Redbridge Green Fair and we think this will be a very good opportunity for all new start-ups and local businesses to get very practical and good marketing and promotion experience.  The Green Fair (of which I am chair!) is  I have written in the blog with a bit more information about what we will be doing.  Copy and paste this link to read more:"


Villagers - Ship Of Promises.

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