Saturday, 15 March 2014

Enterprise Club

Ros Southern writes:

'Thanks so much to Francesca Fenn for taking our session last week on how she set up her family business. I have started a blog and put a very small article - what do you think?!  

This Tuesday Geoff Hill is leading the Enterprise Club session on business planning.  He is Chair of the Redbridge Chamber of Commerce.  He is being joined by Beverly Stratton who is the Town Centres Manager in Redbridge and BIDs Manager (Business Improvement Districts) and is highly experienced in helping local businesses find local solutions to local problems. They will be with us between 2 and 3pm.

Programme for Tuesday 19th March:

Arrivals any time from 1
1.45 - update from start-ups on any progression made this week or any issues they faced
2-3 business planning with Geoff and small group discussions
3 - 3.30 - support to start-ups from local business people that come along
3.30 - plenary and feedback on goals start ups can set for the next week.
4 - 5  further networking.

Please do pass this opportunity on to others you may know who want to start a business or would like to be part of a local network. 

Thanks as always to those that are supporting the enterprise club by bringing their time and skills to share.'

See also and 


Pete Seeger - We Shall Overcome.

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