Saturday, 1 February 2014

Prayer morning with labyrinth

Here is the programme that we used for the Prayer Morning at St John's Seven Kings today:
10­.00am - 10.15am:   General opening prayer. Bible reading: Psalm 130, Luke 6:12-13, Mark 9:27-29 and Matthew 7:7
10.15am - 10.30am: Period of silence and private prayer. (Thinking about the power of answered prayer in your life, perhaps people will also use this opportunity to use the labyrinth in the hall)
10.30am - 11am: Power of prayer in your life (Thanking God, sharing individual testimonies and expressions of gratitude to God)
11.00am - 11.30am: praying for:
Ø  World peace - for revival  and spiritual awakening
Ø  World/natural disaster
Ø  Our community- for revival  and spiritual awakening
Ø  Our families
Ø  Other faiths /other countries
Ø  Bereaved families/ sick people.
Ø  School children and their education
Ø  Other activities within St John (Slimming world, Alcoholics Anonymous, Asian Women’s group, Banners group, Blood Donors, Brownies, Contact Centre, Councillor surgeries, Downshall Pre-School Playgroup, Friendship group,  Kumon, Pram club, Parent & Toddler group, Shine stage school, Yoga class and many others who use St John’s church hall and premises.
11.30-12.30pm: Praying for our church (representatives will pray for the various groups in our church)
Ø  Youth group
Ø  Sunday school group
Ø  Ministry leaders and groups
Ø  Food bank initiative
Ø  Peace and justice
Ø  Choirs
Ø  Mother union
Ø  Fund raising group
Ø  Building committee
Ø  House groups
12.30pm – 13.00pm: There will be provision of a labyrinth in the hall so people will have opportunity to use it as they wish
Our thanks to all those who organised and came to the Prayer Morning.
Kansas - Crossfire. 

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