Thursday, 18 July 2013

Are we more Christ-like than when we first began?

"Are we, each of us, further along the path to deification? Are we beginning to lay aside our selfishness and pride? Are we learning to love? Are we learning to pray? Are we learning how to suffer? In short, are we more Christ-like than when we first began? That is the only measure by which we are held accountable." Fr. David Bozeman

With the rock band Luxury, D. E. Lee Bozeman "made four albums of sensual, nervous rock in the vein of the Smiths and Radiohead, then made an astonishing masterpiece of guilt and spiritual longing, Love and Affection, under the name All Things Bright and Beautiful." He is now ministering as an Orthodox priest and continues to release haunting stripped-down ballads such as the EP Mea Culpa. "Joel Hartse writes, "As he has throughout his career, Bozeman has married sadness and hope in a woundingly beautiful collection of songs."


All Things Bright and Beautiful - Third Trumpet, Fourth Trumpet Sounding.

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