Sunday, 28 April 2013

Arts and Entertainment Sunday Service with UFC Band

Our Arts and Entertainment Sunday Service led by the UFC band was an uplifting and encouraging time with young people sharing their musical talents and experience of God as well as prayers for the arts and entertainment professions and thanksgiving for the creative skills God has given us.

We used the following prayer written for Arts and Entertainment Sunday:

Dear Lord, we give thanks that you created us. You filled our world with music, vision, words, movement, colour and expression. You gave us sensitivity to interpret and the ability to communicate. You shared your love with us through a vibrant array of Dance, Drama, Song, & Laughter, and art in the form of sculpture, painting, architecture, publishing & design.

Forgive us when we focus only on the creation, rather than the creator. Help us remember that the beauty, loveliness and gentleness of your character is represented by the world around us and expressed in the skills of those in the arts and entertainment professions.

Lord, we pray for all who have been given artistic talents and ask that you would strengthen them by your Holy Spirit and that they will use their gifts with honesty, integrity and humility. We pray that those in the world of TV, Film, Theatre, Media and creative arts may sense your presence as they release their gifts, and that those who receive these gifts will see your heavenly power at work.

Lord as we bow down before you, we ask you to raise up the Arts & Entertainment professions, that they may declare your true majesty and glory, and that they may represent you as you intended. Amen.


Delirious? - All God's Children.

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