Saturday, 9 March 2013

Risen! Art of the Crucifixion and Eastertide

From the beginning of Holy Week until well into Eastertide, Monnow Valley Arts with the Trustees of the Methodist Church Collection of Modern Christian Art have organised a series of exhibitions exploring the life of Christ.

The Methodist Modern Art Collection has been described as the most important collection of modern Christian Art outside the Vatican. It was started in the 1960s and continues to grow, now numbering fifty works, almost all of which will be on show, supplemented by work by contemporary artists, at venues in Abergavenny, Hereford, Peterchurch and Walterstone.

For some visitors the exhibitions will offer an opportunity to contemplate Christ’s love for humanity through visual imagery and to give thanks for his sacrifice on Calvary. For others the exhibitions
will prompt questions about faith and doubt as they look at the very varied ways in which a number of remarkable artists have brought their insights to bear on the Christian story.

Included among these exhibitions is The Last Supper, a unique exhibition during Lent in a tiny former shepherds’ church on the Welsh borders (St Michael’s Discoed) which portrays an individual perspective of the scriptural sequence. The artists involved have created a sequence of fourteen subjects centred on the Last Supper. The subjects they have come up with describe things which happened before, during, and after the Last Supper, in a sequence which they hope will invite reflection and meditation.

The central exhibition Risen! is currently at the Piano Nobile Gallery in London until 12th March before moving to Monnow Valley Arts from 23rd March to 21st April. Just around the corner from Piano Nobile is the Temple Gallery which is a centre for the study, restoration and exhibition of ancient icons and sacred art. The Gallery owner, Richard Temple, has written on Icons and the Mystical Origins of Christianity (Luzac Oriental) and ICONS Divine Beauty (Saqi Books), among other publications and catalogues. In conversation he commended Daniel Neculae: Iconographer which opens at the Sacred Space Gallery in St John's Notting Hill on Monday 11th March.


Dissident Prophet - Unconditional Love.

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