Thursday, 16 August 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Having watched The Dark Knight I commented that it was the theme of sacrifice and substitution, which runs throughout the film, that set up the possibility of a sequel and may become the most interesting development emerging from the film. Having seen The Dark Knight Rises tonight that is unquestionably the case as, like Harry Potter, with its conclusion the series becomes an imaginative retelling of the 'Greatest Story Ever Told.' Alfred plays Judas to Bruce Wayne's Jesus while Peter's denial features both in Foley's reluctance to commit to the resistance and also in the use made by Bane of Commissioner Gordon's confession speech. To cap it all there is even a resurrection appearance included. Why is that stories of those who make the ultimate sacrifice for others retain their power and fascination even in what often seems to be a cynical, sceptical and selfish age?


Extreme - Peacemaker Die.

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