Monday, 16 July 2012

Giving thanks to God for people and places

Yesterday the Bishop of Barking visited St John's Seven Kings to commission our Ministry Leadership Team and to lead us in thanksgiving for the refurbishment of our Fellowship Room.
The Ministry Leadership Team is a group of those at St John’s who lead, encourage and build up the work of the whole Body of Christ on behalf of the PCC. The Team members are people whose were suggested by the congregation, who have a developing spiritual life of their own and are seeking to nurture and disciple others. The Ministry Leadership Team is working together with those involved in the five different areas of mission and ministry (Children & Youth; Mission; Pastoral; Peace & Justice; and Worship) to take forward their Area of Responsibility, meets regularly with the Staff Team to plan and pray together, and reports to the PCC on progress.
Before commissioning the Ministry Leadership Team, the Bishop spoke about St Paul's prayer for his ministry team from his letter to the Philippians and the way in which the Holy Spirit work to develop his characteristics (or fruit) in our lives. To illustrate this he distributed fruits to the congregation each labelled with one of the fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
In commissioning the Ministry Leadership Team, Bishop David used the following prayer: Holy Spirit, guide and strengthen the members of this ministry leadership team that they may do your will in the service of Christ. Make them humble, modest, strong and constant to observe the discipline of Christ. Let their life and witness so reflect your character that through them many will be encouraged to grow in their discipleship. As Jesus came not to be served but to serve, may the members of this Team share in his service to the glory of God. Amen.
Our Fellowship Room was refurbished at the beginning of the year as a result of generous donations from the family of Philippa Page, the London over the Border Council and the AllChurches Trust. The old floor was removed and a new floor laid which now provides level access throughout the entire building, plus the room was completely redecorated. Since its refurbishment, the room is now being used regularly by a Luncheon Club, Asian Women’s Group, and Slimming World group, among other activities and events, enabling valued local services to be provided where they are needed.
As part of the act of thanksgiving, which was attended by the daughters of Philippa Page, Bishop David unveiled a plaque giving thanks to God for the generous donations and grants which enabled the work to be completed. 
Galactic Cowboys - Fear Not.

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