Wednesday, 16 May 2012

East London Textile Arts exhibition

Patchwork Lives is an exhibition of textile hangings created by residents of East London to celebrate the diversity of life in Newham during the Olympic Year. Sewn by women, men, and children of all levels of ability, they bring together people of different faith and cultural backgrounds to express themselves and raise money for creative projects abroad. The exhibition is in the Crypt Gallery at St Martin-in-the-Fields from Monday 14 – Sunday 20 May.

East London Textile Arts is an independent organisation working in East London. It was set up by local people of different faiths and ethnicities to make textiles that reflect the cultural diversity of the area. A small project reliant on its own fundraising, the group works in partnership with local community centres. There is also have an outreach program aimed at people who cannot access mainstream creative opportunities for reasons of health, family ties or economic constraints.

East London Textile Arts aims to work with people of all faiths and ethnicities, making community textiles to decorate local public buildings to the highest possible standards. It is a long term project, building creative skills in communities through long term developmental projects. Training is a key element of their work, which is done both within the projects and by sending volunteers and workers to relevant part-time college courses. As well as teaching crafts, fund-raising and community skills are recognized as vital areas of expertise needed to ensure the survival of creativity within East London communities.


Tom Jones - Soul of a Man.

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