Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Reaching Beyond

Reaching Beyond is an artistic event in East London (visual arts, poetry, community involvement) culminating in an exhibition at Bow Road Methodist Church between 23 July and 2 September 2012. The exhibition site is about mile from the Olympic Park. The title, Reaching Beyond, is intentionally open to a wide range of interpretation.

Join in Reaching Beyond by entering their competitions for visual art and poetry, sharing in the voyage of discovery of The Visitor, coming to the Exhibition and taking part in events including kerbside art.

Reaching Beyond is coordinated by Colloquy, an Art and Theology project which is part of the Methodist Church. They have an inclusive remit, welcoming people of all faiths and none. They want to encourage people to join in the project, and to think creatively beyond limits of any one language, medium or culture.


Young Disciples - Freedom Suite.

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