Thursday, 1 March 2012

Benefits of active community engagement by churches

The Cinnamon Network have sent information about interesting new research from the Church Urban Fund which seems to confirm the hypothesis that when a church looks outward - actively loving and serving its neighbours, especially the 'least of these' - then the church will be healthier and will grow.

The study comissioned by Church Urban Fund and conducted by Christian Research explores the impact that social growth has on churches, as well as on the communities they serve. How does active engagement in the community help to stimulate church 'growth'?

In the study, the majority of church leaders believe that tackling poverty locally contributes to a more outward looking church (79%), a deeper understanding of God’s purpose (76%), and improved relations with other local organisations (71%), the wider community (71%) and within the church (57%).

A significant minority make a direct link between tackling local poverty and increased levels of giving (33%) and growing numbers of worshippers (28%).

Churches that are doing more to meet the needs of their community are much more likely to experience these benefits than churches that are aware of local needs but are not responding to them.

Church leaders were clear that their work to serve the community was not done with the primary aim of growing the church, though in all but one case, their churches had grown substantially. When asked separately about how the size of their congregation has changed over the previous five years, it is clear that the churches doing most to serve those affected by poverty are much more likely to be growing.

Conversely, only a tenth of the most active churches have declined in numbers, compared with nearly a third of churches that are not doing anything to meet local needs.


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