Friday, 3 February 2012

Mysteries and miracles

'The value of religion is that it points beyond anything that can be known by the methods of science, showing us that a mystery would remain even if everything could be finally explained. The heart of religion isn't belief, but something more like what Keats described as negative capability: "being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason".'

John Gray, 'Alain de Botton's atheist temple is a nice idea, but a defunct one' - The Guardian

A miracle (what else can you call it):
the sun rose today at three fourteen
and will set tonight at one past eight

A miracle that's lost on us:
the hand actually has fewer than six
but still it's got more than four.

A miracle, just take a look around:
the inescapable earth.

An extra miracle, extra and ordinary:
the unthinkable
can be thought.
Wisława Szymborska, quoted in her obituary for The Guardian


The Call - Everywhere I Go.

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