Thursday, 2 February 2012

Constructive Christian engagement with the collapse of our culture

Sam Norton, who blogs at Elizaphanian, has published Let Us Be Human, a book which brings together his thinking on many of the topics on which he has blogged and taught extensively over the past few years: 

"We live in a time of escalating crises and environmental disasters – how should the church understand them, and how should the church respond to them? In this short, readable and punchy book, Sam Charles Norton argues that the fundamental problem of our time is a spiritual one – that we have forgotten what it means to be wise – and that the path for the faithful through this time of crisis is to re-establish the priority of worship. Only by becoming more distinctively Christian can we engage constructively with the collapse of our culture."

I've appreciated Sam's take on these issues greatly in recent years, including taking a group from St John's Seven Kings to Mersea Island to hear from him, and am looking forward to reading Let Us Be Human as a result.


Thea Gilmore - Bad Moon Rising.

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