Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Leaders are fallible

'Leaders are fallible' was a comment piece by Jenni Russell in Saturday's Guardian in which she reflects on the way in which we "demand omnipotence, certainty and results from the people at the top, rather than an intelligent willingness to change their minds as the facts change too" with the media gloating "over U-turns, changes of direction or apologies as signs of frailty, not as possible signs of sense."
She concludes:

"At this miserable moment in 2011 we need to demand sober, solid, more broadly based judgments from the powerful. But we also have a role. We should be more willing to admit that the complexity of the world means those leading us will make mistakes. If we want better decisions, more honesty and a swifter correction of errors, we must stop being so childishly unforgiving about our leaders' fallibility."


Eric Clapton - Motherless Children

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