Monday, 1 August 2011

Bible Year 2011

To express its confidence in the Bible the Church of England is using 2011 - the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible – as Bible Year, to promote biblical literacy within the Church and society as a whole. At St John's Seven Kings, we are focussing our Bible Year initiatives in October, the month when Bible Sunday is held.

Our Images of Hope art competition challenges local schools, church and our wider community to illustrate their Bible story of hope. This competition, based on materials from the Bible Society, invites people to illustrate a Bible story of hope and brings communities together as they think about hope and its meaning. The closing date is 23rd September and the competition is open to children and young people in the following categories: Under 7s; 7-11s; 11-19. All entries to the competition will be exhibited at St John's Seven Kings on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd October, our Patronal Festival, with a prizegiving ceremony held on 1st September at 2.30pm.

Most Christians know Bible stories, but few Christians know or understand the story of the Bible! The Bible is not written in chronological order; many of the historical details that we need to fully understand the story are not given to us, assumed rather than included; and, whether we realise it or not, we're part of a story that has yet to be completed ... These are all themes that will be explored in HISstory; a two hour overview of salvation history from creation to the advent of Jesus which will be led by Rev. Paul Harcourt, Area Dean of Redbridge and Vicar of All Saints Woodford Wells, at St John's Seven Kings on Sunday 16th October, beginning at 6.30pm.

Then on Bible Sunday itself we are encouraging our congregation to Give A Bible by buying a version of the Bible to give away to someone else. As part of this initiative, some of our congregation are buying Bibles to be given to our local Primary School, Downshall, for use in their Religious Studies lessons. All the Bibles to be given away will be brought to church on Bible Sunday to be blessed before they are given away to others.


Mark Heard - Well-Worn Pages.

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