Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Xpedition Force
Our annual Holiday Club at St John's Seven Kings began today with capacity numbers and a committed, experienced team of helpers. This is my reflection from our Parish magazine on the theme of this year's Club which is called Xpedition Force:
Xplorers needed to join an Xpedition up a mountain. Should be prepared for adventures and possible danger!
Xpedition Force is this year’s holiday club for 5–11s at St John’s which will be held from Tuesday 26th to Friday 29th July, 10.00am – 12.30pm followed by a Holiday Club service on Sunday 31st July at 10.00am.
Xpedition Force includes crafts, drama, games, bible Xplore, Xpedition units, rations, Xperiencing the five senses, Xroads and much more as children go with Jesus on his journey to the cross. Xpedition Force is a flexible, energetic programme which uses our five senses to explore stories from Matthew's gospel and introduce children to Jesus.
This year’s theme reminds us that being a follower of Jesus is not easy. Jesus, like ancient rabbis, taught his disciples on the move. So life, for every rabbi's students or apprentices, was literally a journey of learning. With a rabbi, the whole of life became a risk taking, active experience, which is why this year’s Xpedition Force theme is so appropriate.
A rabbi's apprentice had one simple goal: to imitate him. Apprentices trusted their rabbi completely, working passionately to incorporate his actions and attitudes, as well as his words, into their lives. An apprentice's deepest desire was to follow their rabbi so closely that they would start to think and respond, to life just like him.
What do you think it means to be a 21st century apprentice of the master rabbi, Jesus? How would you describe the reality of what it means to walk with Christ and not give up? What adventures, potential dangers or risk taking do you experience as one of Jesus’ apprentices?
Delirious? - King Of Fools.
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