Sunday, 3 July 2011

Praise in the Park (2)

We had a great time at this year's 'Praise in the Park' with good support from local churches. We appreciated the fine weather and being back at the bandstand in Seven Kings Park, as well as the tremendous lead given to our worship by the Salvation Army band. Major John Smith spoke powerfully emphasising that Christ is the motivation for all the social action work undertaken by the Salvation Army. This is an event which also emphasises the unity that exists between churches locally.
100 members of local churches gathered by the bandstand in Seven Kings Park today for communal hymn singing at 'Praise in the Park' led by a Salvation Army band. We sang hymns including 'Be Thou My Vision', 'Crown With My Crowns', 'When I Needed A Neighbour', 'Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You', and 'Thine Be The Glory', among others. Major John Smith, who led the Salvation Army band, spoke about the work of the Salvation Army and a collection was taken in support of that work. Antoinette Davis and Audrey Shorer from St John's Seven Kings and Margaret Kristine Wallace and Gwen Nneji from St Paul's Goodmayes each introduced favourite hymns. This year I led the service and Fr. Benjamin Rutt-Field, Vicar of St Paul's Goodmayes, led the intercessions and bible reading.
Sister Act 2 - Joyful, Joyful.

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