Tuesday, 14 June 2011

The Dance of Love

Here's a new poem for Trinity Sunday inspired not so much by Strictly as by Stephen Verney's ballroom dancing:

Sequinned and spangled
magnetized partners
attract, repel and return
oscillate away, re-turning
coming home to each other
to dance around the other
in step, in sequence
in relationship
synchronicity of movement
mirror image
thinking and moving
in the mystery
of two persons
become one
partners interacting
within an age-old rhythm
of interplay and intercourse
the to and fro of relationship
forever the same
in a continuous variety of movements
one with nature, history
and each other
coming alive
in the unique shape
of their own energy
and vigour
held, not held onto
an open and free caress
the inner rhythm reveals itself
the marriage of heaven and earth
Spirit flowing through
our human emptiness
choreography of abundant delight
eternal dance
in that communion
you in me and I in you
and the love which leaps
between us is Spirit
the rhythm, the time, the rhyme
deepening experience
of the dance of love
creating us
in the still centre of being
except for the still point
there would be no dance
and there is only the dance
the Spirit is the dance
the communion of love
I in you and in me
the pattern of potential

Leonard Cohen - Dance Me To The End Of Love.

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