Saturday, 11 December 2010

Jesus - catalyst for and predictor of change

The passage from Isaiah quoted by John the Baptist in Matthew 3. 1-12 portrays him as a roadbuilder. His role is to construct a straight path, by tearing down hillsides and raising up valleys, along which Jesus can walk towards us with nothing to obscure our view of him.

What we are looking at is a changed landscape. The way of life and religion which the people of Israel had known in recent years was shortly to change radically and violently as a result of Jesus’ death and resurrection followed by the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in AD70. The message which John brings seeks to prepare the people of Israel for change on a massive scale with Jesus at the centre of what was to occur.

Is something similar underway in our own day and time through the effects both of the recession and the challenges of peaks in the world’s supply of oil and water? We could be looking at a different political and economic situation globally in a very short space of time. Those who cling to the old ways of doing things – pictured here as the Pharisees and Sadducees – could find themselves swept away in the changes which may be about to come.

Are our eyes on Jesus as we seek to negotiate our way through changing times? Are we keeping our sightlines unobscured so that we can see him clearly and receive his leading and guidance?

Lord Jesus, you were the catalyst for change and the predictor of change for your first disciples. Help us to see you clearly in the challenges and changes of our times that you might also be our Lord and guide today. Amen.

Lifehouse - Hanging by a Moment.

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