Monday, 11 October 2010

Artz Ville: Challenging consumerism

ArtzVille is a web place where Arts Centre Group (ACG) members can express their views and comments on a variety of subjects and issues relating to the arts and faith. Via email, ACG encourage members to join in the discussion.

This season the Visual Arts section is looking at Challenging Consumerism. I have raised questions about whether art work could be integrated more readily into church spaces, and how churches could perhaps work with artists to present a radical and alternative view on modern practices, such as consumerism.

You can find my piece at if you wish to consider my suggestions.


Solomon Burke - Don't Give Up On Me.


  1. Hi.

    I read the website and was getting quite excited about it. An open - discussion - edited e-zine is exactly what I attempted for a year (JAAR, I think you may have taken a look at it?). It was a bit gutting to see that it's £25 for a student to join! Is it possible to see a copy of the publication before joining?


  2. Hi Josh, I've asked the ACG people to give you an answer on this but it does look as though £25 is the student rate.

  3. Hi Josh, I've asked the ACG people to give you an answer on this but it does look as though £25 is the student rate.
