Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Strangest Genius

Through the Imaging the Bible in Wales website I found a new website about Harry Clarke (1889 to 1931) who is reckoned to be Ireland’s greatest stained glass artist. During his short life Clarke created stained glass windows for churches, private dwellings and commercial venues throughout Ireland and England, and as far a field as the USA and Australia. In total 160 windows, and a small number of panels, were created by Clarke. Also an illustrator of books for Harrap and Co. in London, Clarke illustrated five books that show his undoubted genius in the area of graphic art.

I first came across his work in The Crucifixion in Irish Art. Now though a monograph, Strangest Genius, has been published which is unique in that it contains the entire stained glass collection of Clarke, including those windows now in art galleries. This collection has never before been photographed or published in its entirety. This publication will give those who are unfamiliar with the brilliance and originality of Clarke’s marvellous stained glass windows the opportunity to view images of his greatest creations, and perhaps in time to travel to see these wonders for themselves.


Bap Kennedy - Howl On.

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