Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Seven Kings Library opening

Seven Kings Library will open to the public next week and can be found at 679 High Road, Ilford IG3 8RQ.

The full opening hours commence from 9am on Tuesday 27 July but a special preview afternoon is being held on Monday 26 July which is open to all those who have worked on the development of the library, and to members of wider community networks.

People are welcome to come down between 1pm and 4pm on Monday to see the library, meet the staff and see the services on offer. There will also be storytelling and free facepainting for children.

The Leader of the Council, Cllr Keith Prince, will officially open the library at 2.30pm and press are being invited for around this time.

Space is slightly limited, so people should RSVP to to help in estimating numbers.

The opening hours from Tuesday are as follows:
  • Tues 9am-8pm
  • Weds 8am-5pm
  • Thurs 9am-8pm
  • Fri 8am-5pm
  • Sat 10am-2pm
  • Sun 10am-2pm

The library at 679, High Road, Seven Kings is fitted with folding shelving so it can be used as a small meeting room outside library hours. Around 5,000 books, talking books and DVDs will line the shelves and any titles not available can be requested free of charge from other library branches or other libraries in the London libraries consortium. It will also be the first library in the Borough to have Sunday opening hours, and will be open a total of 48 hours a week.

Regular library activities will be available including story time sessions, reading groups, children's activities and computer and internet tutorials. The library is also set to offer wireless internet access in the coming weeks and has four computers available for free public use.

A library working group, made up of local residents, Councillors and Council Officers was set up after the decision by Cabinet in September 2009 to agree to fund the temporary library. The group has been meeting regularly throughout the process to make sure the new facility works well for the community.

The temporary facility is expected to provide a library service to local residents for a number of years pending plans for a new leisure centre in the area which would include a library.


Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers - Morning of Our Lives.

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