Friday, 4 June 2010

TASK Newsletter No. 17

Hello everyone, as usual, here's our TASK weekly round up

Community walkabouts

Its pretty normal now for different parts of the borough to have their own community clean up and walkabout campaigns, and its worth remembering that this popular movement was started by TASK here in Seven Kings nearly 3 years ago. When we asked local officials to get out of the office and join us to witness the truly shocking state of our streets, scarred as they then were by dumping, graffiti, unkempt gardens, public drinking and an out of control takeout economy. To their credit, they took up the challenge - usually with good grace - and have helped us start to tackle many of these issues, often taking immediate action on the spot.

This is a reminder that the next Seven Kings walkabout is coming up soon, on Friday June 25 starting from 0900 outside the railway station. To make it work, we desparately need some new volunteers to walk the neighbourhood with local councillors, council officers and police team reps, highlighting current issues and helping them to pick up on best long- term solutions.

The walkabouts normally last around two hours- you don't have to commit for the whole time though- and offer a great opportunity to meet other supporters and get things done. Fast. Which is always rewarding.

To sign up for the walkabout on the 25th, or just to find out more, please contact Chris on

Library update

A lot of people are asking when - and sometimes if - the new Seven Kings library will be opening, the passage of works having taken a lot longer than we first imagined as sourcing a shop the borough could afford and sorting lease issues with their eventual choice have taken their toll on more optimistic May/June opening dates. The last we heard was that the new library- due to occupy a prime spot on the High Road next to Costcutter- would be open for the school summer holidays, offering local children access to the borough's summer reading scheme and other holiday activities.We hope that this has not slipped further and meet again with councillors and library officials next week to get an update, and to push hard for rapid progress to meet this fast approaching deadline.

We are keeping our fingers crossed that a July opening is still feasible, and hope to issue a specific opening date in our next TASK update. We also welcome all your ideas on launching the library and possible activities it could help support.

TASK monthly meetings

A couple of issues ago we mentioned our plan to hold regular monthly drop in meetings for supporters interested in getting more involved in TASK work. This allows time for us to agree, plan and work on new issues and campaigns, after the success of our major library petition, whilst also offering time for feedback on what is going on in the different parts of our area.

We are currently talking to our good friends at St. John's Church, who have good, accessible meeting space on a public transport route, and will be finalising dates for a launch session towards the end of the month over the next few days. Once again, keep watching this space.

Ilford Waterstone's reading group starts June 7

Good news from Ilford's leading bookseller, which is setting up a new local reading group. Allowing a group of book lovers to come together and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings about a title they have all read.

Reading groups have become massive across the UK over the last decade and this is a unique opportunity to be part of a brand new set up which will be meeting for the first time on Monday 7 June, from 6pm, at the new Costa coffee outlet opposite Ilford Station

This first gathering will set the scene about how it all works, and will agree the first book to be discussed, so it is a totally top time to be part of the conversation.

The arts bring happiness and offer inspiration to everyone, whatever their age and background, so do please support this new initiative in an area that craves many more creative outlets. All are surely guaranteed a warm welcome

Enough for now. Enjoy the summer sun.

Chris Connelley for TASK


Kendall Payne - On My Bones.

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