Sunday, 16 May 2010

The connectedness of things

This is my most recent Gospel Reflection (based on John 17. 20-end) for the MiLE website:

Geoff Mulgan, Director of the Young Foundation, has written that “seeing the connectedness of things is the starting point for understanding a world that otherwise appears baffling” and “the growing connectedness of the world is the most important social and economic fact of our times.”

Mulgan sees connectedness manifested “in the growth of physical links like telecom networks; in rising flows of goods, money, ideas and people; in the interconnectedness of culture and the environment; and in new forms of social organisation.” Yet we can see connectedness manifested firstly in the relations within the Godhead as they are revealed to us through this prayer of Jesus which is recorded in John 17 - “you are in me and I am in you.”

We are then drawn into this interconnectivity found at the heart of the Godhead - “may they also be in us” – in order that we participate in an exchange of love which precedes the creation of the world. This is the source of connectedness of things within the world and it is also the starting point for understanding a world that otherwise appears baffling.

Father, Son and Spirit, may I know love as you know love, may I exchange love as you exchange love, may I live love as you live love, you in me and I in you. Amen.


U2 - One.

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