Monday, 21 September 2009

Patronal Festival events

Our Patronal Festival weekend at St Johns Seven Kings is happening from Friday 2nd - Sunday 4th October and includes a really varied and interesting range of events and services:
  • An Evening at the Opera with the Lantern Light Opera Company presenting a selection of Gilbert & Sullivan highlights including songs from ‘The Mikado’, ‘Pirates of Penzance’ and ‘HMS Pinafore.’ Friday 2nd October, 7.30pm. Smart dress requested. You will be welcomed with a free glass of wine. Admission free but a collection for Church funds will be taken during the evening.
  • Coffee, cakes, recycling information (from the Redbridge Recycling Team) and a Free Takeway of books, ornaments, toys and all those things you never knew you needed. Please bring your own bags. Saturday 3rd October, 11.00am. Followed at 11.45am by a free viewing of an inspiring documentary film entitled ‘The Power of Community’ based on the experience of the people of Cuba in overcoming their lack of oil. Here is a lesson for us all to adapt our way of life to reduce our dependency on oil and to care for the environment.
  • Barn Dance – Saturday 3rd October, 7.30pm. Fish/Chicken & Chips supper, Tickets £6.00 (from the Parish Office). Bring your own drink.
  • Patronal Festival services – Sunday 4th October, 10am Patronal Festival Holy Communion (Preacher – Gordon Tarry) & 6.30pm Songs of Praise.

Leo Brouwer - A Day in November.

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